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Buzzy Bee Book Series

Buzzy Bee ducks

Buzzy Bee Mary Lou

Based on the famous New Zealand toy.
Every NZ baby has a Buzzy Bee!
15 books, including 4 stories, ABC, 123, colors, weather, shapes, sizes, posters, friezes, and an extensive line of other products.
I wrote all the books and also illustrated them with the assistance of my 'Merlin Mystery' art collaborator.
The Buzzy Bee toy is not known outside New Zealand, but is extremely popular inside the country. It is our 'Mickey Mouse'.
When my children were young, I realized there were no printed Buzzy Bee products at all, so I contacted the toy owner, and put together a deal. For two years I developed and managed the licensing of all Buzzy Bee products.
The real value however was the opportunity to write and illustrate books that were certain to be best sellers, thanks to the built-in audience. They were all a delight to write and illustrate, and very profitable.
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